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這一天,三個完全沒有嫖過妓的男生想為其中即將要結婚的朋友慶祝,因此找了間風俗店要來當作告別他的單身派對,一進去他們馬上都選好自已想要的風俗女,殊不知接下來等著他們是將是瘋狂且血腥的性愛派對! Softcore porn collides with castration anxieties in the Japanese grindhouse quickie “Horny House of Horror.” Writer-cum-debutant helmer Jun Tsugita (“Mutant Girls Squad” teams here with fx maestro Yoshino Nishimura to deliver the gory goods, the cathouse setting giving Tsugita ample excuse to undress his cast of porn thesps, including cult fave Asami (“RoboGeisha”, as a prelude to fetishistic violence. Pals Toshida (Wani Kansai) and Uno (Toushi Yanagi) insist on going to a brothel with their betrothed friend Nakazu (Yuya Ishikawa), who has never paid for sex before. Each guy is matched with a nubile prostitute, unaware of the locale’s deranged mission to sexually torture customers. Vagina dentata is the yarn’s main means of attack, but samurai swords and phallic food games provide plenty of ketchup.
《原纱央莉之重装上阵》是2011年上映的日本限制级电影,由城定秀夫执导,日本AV女优原纱央莉、栗林里莉等主演。电影讲述卡车司机濑菜(原纱央莉饰)与底层黑帮分子泷泽(粟岛瑞丸 饰)的故事。卡车司机濑菜(原纱央莉 饰)是一个特立独行、崇尚自由的女孩,她喜欢开着暴走卡车游走日本各地,体验不同的人生。 某天,濑菜接到一项奇怪的委托,底层黑帮分子泷泽(粟岛瑞丸 饰)请求她运送失明的美丽脱衣舞娘安云(栗林里莉 饰)。原来泷泽喜欢上了这个身世不幸的女孩,于是决定去另一个城市帮她治好双眼。为了筹集手术费,泷泽不惜袭击组内干部,横夺组织的资金。准备出发的日子,泷泽遭到老大追杀,经过一番打斗,濑菜、泷泽、安云三人总算暂时逃脱黑帮的魔掌。经验丰富的濑菜想方设法躲过追踪,谁知却冤家路窄,寻找希望的路上充满艰险……