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The docuseries launches on February 10, 2025. Ridley Scott, director of Black Hawk Down, contributed to this docuseries through his production company RSA Films. However, Jack MacInnes directed it. MacInnes previously worked on documentaries, including Leaving Afghanistan in 2022. Producers Jamal Osman and Emma Supple worked with executive producers Dominic Crossley-Holland and Tom Pearson to develop the series. The documentary focuses on October 3, 1993, when U.S. Army Rangers and Delta Force conducted an operation in Mogadishu. Their mission was to capture militia leaders loyal to General Mohamed Farrah Aidid. Chaos unfolded after RPGs brought down three Blackhawk helicopters, leading to one of the most challenging urban battles for American forces. The documentary includes stories from soldiers and survivors. U.S. troops recall being surrounded and fighting against overwhelming odds. Audio from news reports captures global reactions during the event. Somali fighters and civilians share their perspectives, including how U.S. airstrikes impacted families and inspired retaliation. Unlike the film, the series does not frame the story solely from the U.S. perspective. It showcases Somali experiences, exploring their motivations and losses.
东大毕业的精英文科省官员·御上孝(松坂桃李 饰)意识到旨在培养思考能力的教育改革徒有虚名,国家中枢不仅没有改革,反而只顾着明哲保身,甚至连孩子们梦想未来的教育现场,也逐渐沦为大人争夺权力的工具。在这种情况下,他被命令借调到私立高中,实际上是精英官员的降职人事。但是御上抱着“要改变日本教育”的想法,认为既然制定制度的一方也无法改变制度,那么就从现场发出声音,从制度内部破坏制度就可以了,于是亲自站在讲台上,引导着生活在令和时代的18岁高中生与权力抗争。
东日本大地震时,福岛12个市町村因东京电力福岛第一核电站事故而成为避难指示对象。在这里,有带着梦想移居而来的人,为复兴而行动的人,在福岛这片土地上出生成长的人,持续挑战的人…… 有着怀抱著各自想法,在动荡的福岛奔走而活跃著的移居者们的身影——。以实际存在的12位福岛县移居者为中心展开,以集锦的形式描绘新福岛县,以及迈向新时代的人们的生活的人性剧!