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The genre-busting series tells the story of Katie and Stefan who fall for each other at a wedding and begin an affair, despite Katie already having a fiancé. Two months later at Katie’s wedding, her new husband and his entire family are murdered. The police think Stefan did it. Stefan thinks Katie did it. And no one knows for sure what the truth is…    The series is an action-packed romp across the UK and the US as Katie and Stefan go on the run, all while trying to prove their innocence. Streaming September 8, only on Hulu.
本剧改编自同名小说。   米德威奇,一个上班族居住的英格兰小镇,自由开明、渴求进步,由各种小家庭和富人街组成。这里没有太多的事情发生,其中也有着充分的理由。   直到夏日某一天的黄昏时分,小镇一个宁静的区域陷入了恐慌。人们毫无预兆、毫无理由地晕倒,任何试图进入该区域的人也会遭遇同样的情况。   没有人明白这是为什么。当神秘的停电解除后,被这次事件影响的人们逐渐回归正常生活,除了该区域内的每一位育龄女性突然莫名其妙怀孕了。   随着消息传开,局面越来越紧张,经历了这种情感震荡的人们需要帮助,而天才心理治疗师Susannah Zellaby医生担起了这个责任。Susannah的女儿Cassie已经怀孕,她对于这一现象背后的黑手深感担忧。   当地警官高级督察Paul Kirby负责维持秩序,但人们不知道的是,一股骇人力量正在小镇那些安逸的街道上集结。这些孩子,可能是潜在的寄...